
Christians, today’s post is a little bit different than usual. A while back, I was referencing something about nit-picking something I was doing and I felt like the Holy Spirit illuminated the phrase in a new light. Since then there have been a couple of different “sayings” that I felt have some deeper meaning when … More Nit-Picking

Reaping A Harvest

Christians, when we think of sowing and reaping, we all too often think of it like traditional farming in America today.  Everyone has their “own” field, people reap only what they have specifically sown, and everyone is responsible for “their” own crops.  I received a revelation from God about how He sees it. I realized … More Reaping A Harvest

Fruit and Beans

Christians, recently I was asked to lead the devotional at the board meeting of an organization I am currently helping by serving in various capacities.  As I thought about what to share with the group, I thought about the organization itself and how I got involved. I thought about the different levels of serving, the … More Fruit and Beans